"A slide. A slip. For a fleeting moment, in that split-second of instability, you are forced to make sense of the difference between your perception of the scene and its reality. Unexpected, shocking, even hilarious, the slip creates a brief, sometimes brutal, disjuncture from expectation. Time appears to run both quickly and slowly. You are temporarily untethered. To regain balance, you must feel for the space or surface, which has momentarily become strange.
The artists in Slippery Images play with this slippage between familiarity and unfamiliarity.1 The project brings together the work of twelve Melbourne artists who explore and challenge the use of photography as a straightforward representation of the world around us; that is, the expectation that a photograph is an index of the world, of what was there and what was seen. Rather than take images, these artists make them – their works celebrate the loose, fluid, unfixed and slippery aspects of the photographic medium. Even among the artists whose photographs document the ‘real world’, their images remain elusive and, at times, evasive – they slide away from a straight reading of fact."
Maggie Finch
Exhibition Documentation: Sean Fennessy
"A slide. A slip. For a fleeting moment, in that split-second of instability, you are forced to make sense of the difference between your perception of the scene and its reality. Unexpected, shocking, even hilarious, the slip creates a brief, sometimes brutal, disjuncture from expectation. Time appears to run both quickly and slowly. You are temporarily untethered. To regain balance, you must feel for the space or surface, which has momentarily become strange.
The artists in Slippery Images play with this slippage between familiarity and unfamiliarity.1 The project brings together the work of twelve Melbourne artists who explore and challenge the use of photography as a straightforward representation of the world around us; that is, the expectation that a photograph is an index of the world, of what was there and what was seen. Rather than take images, these artists make them – their works celebrate the loose, fluid, unfixed and slippery aspects of the photographic medium. Even among the artists whose photographs document the ‘real world’, their images remain elusive and, at times, evasive – they slide away from a straight reading of fact."
Maggie Finch
Exhibition Documentation: Sean Fennessy